Keeping Those Summer Pests at Bay

Keeping Those Summer Pests at Bay

As summer creeps up on us, so do the insects, and unfortunately, summer is a carrier for bugs. In the increased heat, insects can reproduce more frequently, and infestations are more likely to occur. The best defense and also the best cure for insect infestations is simply prevention.

Think about it - What are the pests/insects looking for when they come into your home?
Food, shelter and water. Eliminate these elements from the equation, so there is no reason for the bugs to stay around. Food sources, like garbage bins, unwashed dishes or even just leaving food  out will attract lots of unwanted attention from our little friends.


To help you avoid these unwanted pests/insects, here are a few tips on how to keep the bugs at bay this summer:

  • Keeping your house clean, tidy, and sanitised is more critical than you might think. The cleaner your home is, the more unwelcome it appears to cockroaches, ants, mice, and flies.
  • Make sure to wipe down your kitchen benchtops after cooking and anywhere food might have been left out - even the smallest of crumbs can attract an array of pests.
  • Don’t leave your dirty dishes out after meals, make sure to either wash them or put them in the dishwasher.
  • Don’t forget about garbage day as full bins are the ultimate hotspot for pests.
  • Take care of your house, apartment, or office. When you start to find cracks and crevices around your property, seal them up otherwise, you’ll be housing cockroaches and mice.
  • Moisture attracts all kinds of pests; mice, flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes (who lay eggs in stagnant water). So make sure that your home is kept dry.
  • Be aware that pests are harmful to your health. Spread the awareness.
  • If you try to solve the problem yourself, make sure that you’re eliminating the colony or nest. Just removing the pests in sections won’t stop them from coming back.

We will also advise how you can help reduce future problems. So if you are currently dealing with a spider infestation, contact BP Pest Control Perth today!

Summer pests are generally a struggle for the average homeowner to keep under control, and can be problematic for offices as well. Let BP Direct Pest Control help with your summer infestation problem today! If you would like a professional to help you prevent or eliminate pests, our team of experts can do the job. So get in contact with us or click the link here to see which Pest Control services we offer.
