Summer Roaches

Summer Roaches

With the summer heat quickly approaching, more and more pests are going to start appearing from their winter lull. This statement is critically true for man’s worst enemy: the cockroach. Possibly the least liked animal on the planet, the cockroach is rumoured to be a near indestructible creature, apparently also impervious to the atomic bomb. However, a good boot has been proven to do the trick. But the professionals at BP Pest Control prefer to prevent the problem before it arises, so we don’t need to dirty our boots. This is how we protect your office or home from the unsettling roaches.
Our first step, as always, is perform a customised search and inspection for your home, taking everything into account. After we finish the walkthrough we will send through our findings and an analysis of what we’ve found and how we are going to defeat the problem. The second step is baiting. We will apply gel bait to your cracks and crevices to draw out the pests close to the openings. Now we spray the baited areas, in hopes to exterminate the existing roaches and discourage further infestations. We also will target the drains with a special dust, and the walls with our wet surface spray to areas where the pests may be living. These are all extermination solutions, and will eliminate the current pests. Our final step is advising the homeowner/office manager on steps to reduce likelihood of future infestations. 
As always, if you have any questions on how to deal with a infestation, or pest problem give us, the professionals, a call! You’re always safer dealing with trained professionals when dealing with large pest problems, as things can occasionally get rather messy. 
Book now to get your pest problem under control!
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